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Old July 21st 04, 03:25 AM
Patrick Turner
Posts: n/a

Brian Running wrote:

Stop being a cross posting moron.

I continue to write as much as I feel like to whoever I feel like.


I enjoyed reading your posts in this thread. Go ahead and continue the
discussion, sure won't bother me. You've got to remember that in, the only form of communication approved by the
"regulars" is childish name-calling, preferably arising out of topics that
have nothing to do with radio at all. Those of us actually interested in
shortwave radio listening have learned to ignore 90% of the posts that
appear here. Yours are like a breath of fresh air.

Stimulated by the courageous John Byrns, I plan to continue where I see fit.

However, for short wave, there is little requirements for broad band audio via
the use
of a wide band IF, which would allow several SW stations to be heard
if they were fairly close.

So for the best selectivity for SW, about 3 kHz max is all that is needed, so
can be understood, so a standard added IF stage or RF stage in a tubed set is
all that's required,
but the double CF detector can still be used, although fitting it with some
of noise limiter with variable threshold is a favourable idea.

Patrick Turner.