It's true.
DK writes:
"DK" wrote in message
Hi, very strange indeed, there is nothing about that on their website. If
it's true, it's a pity because it's a very good company with first class
Exert from Willco reply:
We have enough parts to last until next year.
Justtis wrote:
One more question, Will they be available until the late fall of 2004.
Thanks again
----- Original Message -----
To: Justtis
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:41 PM
Subject: R 71A memory upgrade question
It's your option if you want to install the ribbon cable or not.
Thr ICM-1024 comes
with a rubbon cable that you can unplug. The menory board mates
with the pins on the
radio's CPU board. If you don't care about increasing the memories
on your radio, Just
plug it in and don't wire up the ribbon cable. If your installing
the ICM-1024 in an R-71
receiver, jumpers aren't needed. The jumper is just a small peice
of bare wire soldered
to two pads.