Dan domenica, 08/08/2004 ha scritto quanto segue:
I have the PL-230. It's a decent radio, but has only a single
bandwidth. It has a nice, loud clear sound however. Better sound
than the Degen 1102, but the Degen is a better radio, IMO, being more
sensitive and it has 2 good bandwidths.
I own a YB 400 and I noticed that this radio performs better
and bandwith) than DE1102 on SW band.
But on Radiointel you can read a review about PL230:
"In my comparison I found that the PL-230 was almost always 1 signal
level higher than the YB-400. If I was tuning the BBC at a signal
strength of 3-4 on the YB-400....it was always 4-5 on the PL-230"
Now, I don't understand how PL-230 can be almost 1 signal level higher
than YB400
since in my comparison I found YB400 more sensitive than Degen 1102
with whip antenna of course).
I would like to hear comparisons from owners of both radio: PL230/200
and YB400
Frank, Naples, Italy
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