Reg wrote
They who attempt to grasp support by stating the manufacturer's type
of the instruments used are most in need of the self-confidence it falsly
Hi Reg. What exactly are you talking about? I had a few minutes in
Hurricane Ivans wrath to get the Emergency generator cranked up and had a
chance to read this. Lucky you don't have these things in the UK.
73 Gary N4AST
Gary, we have heard the news over here about the devastating Hurricane Ivan.
We get them here at about 1/2 strength of yours only once every very few
years. And even then it's only over a relatively small area.
If you can't understand what I am wittering about then its due either to the
storm stress you are under or because you are one of those suffering from
delusions of accuracy. In your case I prefer the former excuse.
I hope your generator started up OK and that you and your family suffer the
bare minimum of danger and damage. At least communications between us are
still intact. My best wishes.
Reg, G4FGQ