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Old August 13th 04, 11:48 AM
Charlie B.
Posts: n/a

Would appreciate any and all input. Also, where is the best place to
purchase the 800?

Thanks in advance.

I've owned a SAT-800 about 3 years and find it to be a decent
performer for broadcast sw stations. I also live in an apartment
bldg. brick, 1st. floor.
The performance of the whip alone is dismal for me, it is amplified
and electrical noise is amplified. To rectify this, I took a 20 ft.
peoce of magnet wire and put an alligator clip onnm onje end and
clipped to ro rhe whip just above the swovel and did NOT extend the
whip.The rest of the wire I placed around the glass on the upper ha;f
of the wondow, securing with wide transparent packing tape. The
results work very well. I can even receive and decode various digital
modes (rtty/fax/sitorb/sstv) with careful tuning.

I purchased mine from Universal and asked them to test it before
shipping and have had no problems with it.
Drake, Grove and possibly AES are all reputable dealers. I'd be wary
of purchasing a NIB on EBat only because the earlier SAT-800s had
quality control problems. I prefer dealing woth people who have
knowledge of SW/Ham equipmwnt.

Hope this helps.