Neil Bell schrieb:
Anyone with both of these radios care to share veiws on the relative
AM/FM performance??
The Sangean's strength definitely is FM, with halfway narrow filters
from the factory (unlike the Sony's barn doors), RDS and all. FM DXers
rather like it. For AM, it's apparently not bad (if a bit deaf on the
whip), but for SSB I'd rather have the 100% analog fine tuning knob of
the Sony than the 40 Hz (unmodified) steps of the Sangean. The Sony
can't be used with an external FM antenna unless modified, and
understandable decision since the thing is rather sensitive and easily
overloads in cities with strong FM signals even on the whip. The Sangean
features more memories and alpha tags, it's up to you whether you need
that extra bit of comfort.
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PC#6: i440BX, 1xP3-500E, 512 MiB, 18+80 GB, R9k AGP 64 MiB, 110W
This is a SCSI-inside, Legacy-plus, TCPA-free computer

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