Thread: Hurricanes USA
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Old August 16th 04, 05:45 PM
Evrhrt 234152
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On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 10:51:09 -0400, "Mark S. Holden"

Diverd4777 wrote:

Quite sad to realize thounsands are homeless, scores dead or injured
and millions without Power;
Not pretty..
I forget at what speed Sheet metal starts flying around..
Possibly, over time - turning the " 100 year" Storm surge areas into Public
might forstall future disasters, or looking at what other Storm / Flood prone
( Midwest & New Jersey ) have done to alleviate loss of life may help in the

Very Few structures can withstand the force of a Hurricane..


A problem with the idea of having the government buy land subject to storm surges is it's often the most desirable land in a community because it has a great view.

The two beach front communities I'm familiar with are Stone Harbor NJ, and Naples Fl. In either town, a beach front lot is worth several million dollars. It would put a tremendous strain on tax payers because they'd need to come up with barrels of money
while removing the most valuable land from the tax base. Most owners are not apt to sell voluntarily.

Most communities where flooding is a problem have updated building codes so new construction is less at risk.

New construction that weathered the storm well doesn't make great news coverage.



Mark, What's the name of the ice cream place in Stone Harbor that's
so popular. Do you know it? Always a line through the door. And hey
- Avalon is Cooler By a Mile.
