Al Patrick wrote:
I have no first hand info on this unit. (I was thinking it was a
scanner.) :-) But you may want to read a review at before deciding on this unit.
There seems to have been a tuning knob problem and some cheap parts used.
I've had a 7030+ for a few years.
The flip side of the "review" you provided a link to is AOR is
exceptionally good about getting back to owners who have problems, and
they've updated the design to replace parts with reliability issues.
The build quality on the 7030 is actually quite good, and as far as I
know, Bournes has a reputation for quality encoders - it's just AOR
apparently got stuck with some bad ones.
Later versions of the firmware for the radio have addressed the
keybounce problems on the and keys.
My primary complaint about the 7030+ is the standard filters were "too
wide" or "too narrow" for my tastes. I added a couple of milspec
filters better suited to my preferences, and now I get beautiful audio
with great selectivity. It's very close to what I get from my Harris.
A strong point of the 7030 is it's practical to run one from nimh
battery packs for transportable use. Much more convenient than hauling
the 6790/gm I used to use for camping.