On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 22:50:48 GMT, "Honus"
And for rec.radio.shortwave, does anybody know of a URL that explains
process by which SW trasmissions are rebroadcast via satellite?
I've got more to learn about this. 
I'm still looking for this one.
Nobody is broadcasting shortwave frequencies from satellites. (There are a few
ham satellites with repeater outputs on the 10-meter band, if they haven't died
by now.) Gene has a conventional TV channel on satellite, but in addition he
and others are using the new technology which is taking the place of shortwave
in affluent countries, MPEG broadcasting. Basically this is using the same
multiplexing and modulation scheme as DBS but with no encryption, on the
medium-power Ku-band satellites rather than the high-power DBS satellites. Just
like DBS, you can pack a few video channels and a lot of audio channels onto one
transponder. In the United States, you'll find two main types of things
broadcast this way: foreign-language programming (Asian channels are
particularly popular) and Protestant evangelism. For further information,
consult alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb.