Thread: Balun Testing
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Old September 20th 04, 01:55 AM
Posts: n/a

Radio Man wrote:

Is there a means of testing a 9:1 or 10:1 balun to make
sure it is the correct impeadance before connecting it to
an antenna or tuner?

Couple ways-- Requires non inductive resistor -- If have a
MFJ-259 (ect) or a Noise bridge, connect your resistor to the X9
output side of the balun, connect the input side of the balun
to the MFJ, and sweep the frequencies, -- the meter should
stay FLAT, at 1:1 (or close to it) over the range it is designed for.
or, the noise bridge noise level should remain unchanged (same consider
ation). or, (this requires a POWER, NON-inductive resistor),
with a SWR bridge, XMIT into it (again on various freqs)!!
SWR should be flat over the range you want to use! Jim NN7K