August 22nd 04, 12:54 AM
In article , dxAce
Telamon wrote:
In article , dxAce
dxAce wrote:
If you plan to continue re-posting information that I and others post
here (example: this mornings posts about New Zealand) to the dxld yahoo
group we'd certainly appreciate credit for our efforts.
I'd appreciate an apology posted to the dxld yahoo group and I'm sure
Telamon would too, for his original post indicating that New Zealand was
missing on 9615.
I do not like Mike Terry's posts and find him to be a nuisance at best
so I kill filed him some time ago.
I just had to chew his butt after I noticed the listing under New Zealand in
the latest DXLD:
** NEW ZEALAND. Radio New Zealand reported missing last night in the
US (Thursday) on 9615 from 0500 to 0550 UTC. They also plan to drop
9615 after September 4 using 11820 instead starting September 5. New
schedule at http://www.rnzi.com/pages/listen.php (Mike Terry, UK,
dxldyg via DXLD)
He ripped off your original posting, and my exact words in a later post in
response to yours.
He claimed he got the info elsewhere, but he copied me word for word, and I
think you also.
Not the first time he's done this in his long career.
I know you take this seriously and I'm glad you caught him at it.
Ventura, California