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Old August 22nd 04, 07:11 PM
Stephen M.H. Lawrence
Posts: n/a

"lsmyer" wrote in message
| DX Radio is the hobby of listening to distant radio stations, typically
| locations well outside their intended coverage area. Sometimes the
| of the signal is the challenge, sometimes the amount of interference, and
| other times the infrequent or irregular schedule of the station.
| Typically most dx-ing is achieved on the Mediumwave Band (AM band) and the
| shortwave Tropical Bands between 2 and 6 MHz. The higher shortwave bands 6
| to 30 MHz are generally used for true international broadcasting.

(waiting for the punch - line here....)

73, etc.,

Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota

(NOTE: My email address has only one "dot."
You'll have to edit out the one between the "7"
and the "3" in my email address if you wish to
reply via email)

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