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Old January 20th 05, 05:01 PM
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From: (Dave=A0Hall)
On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 10:40:59 -0500,
On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 10:45:46 -0500,
Not "one" only *you* have to wonder..the rest of the hammies in the
world already know the answer to this. You (and your sock puppet) are
the only one crying about a roger beep being illegal.

I have no sock puppet.

Allow me to place that in context. You also made the false claim you
have only accessed this group through the same provider when it was
shown you have accessed this group with no less than a dozen different
usenet services.

Shown by whom? Since that statement is a

bold faced lie, I would love to see any "proof"

you might have.

Already shown...but, just for the record, are you once again claiming
you have only accessed the group via the same path, except for the
"borrowed" Villanova account?

Bust just like that military newsgroup that you

stuck your foot in your mouth over with Frank,

I have to agree with Shark on this one,,,lately, Frank has been dead on
in his posts, void of emotion. You'd do well to follow such an example.
Kerri the funny fin disappeared. Yrac was outed. Jerry went off the deep
end. Frank and I took it to email. You always have the same option
concerning your personal qualms, as the group is not interested in what
you or Doug think concerning our lives outside this group. After all,
you can delude yourself and make all the comments you wish pretending
you and Dogie compromise some sort of contingency around here, but the
facts remain you are wound tighter than a spring and your emotions lead
you to making stupid personal off-topic comments that always bite you in
your ass. Now that the skip is waning a bit, you may find yourself a tad
more displeased with yourself than usual, as you will have to conjure up
other scenarios in which to justify your personal attacks once I am no
longer disregarding the dx rule.

I'm sure there will be none forthcoming.

I have had two, count 'em (2) isp's in the last

10 years. The first was Worldlynx networks,

and my current is penn tele data.

You screwed up, Dave. You have comcast...for now. Color it gone.

I do not have Comcast. I do not live on a

Comcast system. That's WHY I have

You won't find competing isp's on the same

cable system.

Ah,,the desperate attempt to obfuscate. Too bad, comcast most certainly
services your area.

YOU are a liar in the first degree.



You have comcast in addition to whatever else.