rtty news freqs
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August 27th 04, 04:18 PM
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TonyWard wrote:
Hi Guys,
anyone out there with a couple of frequencies for RTTY news....??
In english.... of course.
wondered if Tanjung and others were still TX-ing "an alternative" view of
the world....
Your best bet might be to join up with the WUN group.
Though I don't think there is to much left out there these days.
I just did a Google for 'RTTY press frequencies' and did come up with some
material, but it seems as though most of it dates back to 1999 and prior.
Monitoring RTTY press used to be a lot of fun years ago, at that time I had an
Info-Tech M6000 demodulator.
I loved that stuff. I used to have an Info tech M600a, then I moved up
to a 6000, and then a "Universal M7000". I have some printouts of commie
news in English that was funny as hell, and some libyan stuff that was
railing about Bush Sr, and Clinton that was great too.
I traded it in and bought a much needed PC a few years ago.
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