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Old August 29th 04, 03:09 AM
uncle arnie
Posts: n/a
Default Radio Netherland news magazine is off the deep end

On Sat, 28 Aug 2004 03:02 pm -0600 UTC, Jack Painter
posted: %MM

The United States of America is the most powerful country in the world. In
all the countries the United States has sacrificed our men and women to
free from the binds of tyranny, the most land we have ever asked for is
enough land to bury our dead. Some empire.

And free access to their markets. The US also has had the unfortunate
practice of putting into power and propping up repressive dictatorships, to
keep their market share and access to raw materials and commodities. The
world has progressed since WW2, for which everyone was truly grateful for
American help after two years of devestation. But it is hard to sell the
goodness of America based on that to people born 30 or 40 years after it

What purpose does this bogus thinking serve anyway? It seems to me if
you cannot get your facts straight to begin with any argument you make
is rendered moot. This is a point the liberal nut cases that post here
do not seem to get either. You cannot find an opinion based on no facts
or incorrect information worth the time to read.

Truth can't be allowed to get in the way of a good cry. The Ur-a-Peon's
modus operandus since WW2 has been to whine, whine and whine harder about
everything they can't do better than almost any country that is willing to
work hard. These original "white trash" are watching their countries
breathe the last gasps as free nations. Massive social programs, lowering
and almost elimination of a work ethic, the reduction of national
population from birth control, abortion, and lack of family structure, and
the massive immigration of Muslim immigrants has spelled the final death
toll for Ur-a-Peons. They have done to themselves (utter destruction) what
the United States saved them from at the hands of foreign invaders twice.
How fitting that people who are unwilling and unable to defend themselves
are in deed the cause of their own destruction from within.

Why is the Euro stronger than the US dollar? Europe is expanding the EU,
they are in the midst of the most prosperous period since the 1960's. The
EU is the largest economic block in the world for population and will have
a larger GDP and the US within the decade. They are also allowing people
to be individuals and make free choices versus dictating morality based on
narrow religious or 19th century morality. The future of Europe looks very
bright, with past conflicts on the continent disappearing.