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Old September 22nd 04, 12:55 PM
Brian - KB9BVN
Posts: n/a

Nope. I feed it with RG8X Coax.

At the feed point I do have it looped 6 or 7 times and taped together in an
attempt to keep the RF off the shield.

I am amazed at how well this antenna works sometimes.

I have accumulated 47 DXCC entities on it in the last 4 years or so. It's
no DX dream, that's for sure, but I can sit down anyday or night and have
QSO's with it.

I run a K1 at 5w about 95% of the time, all CW.

I need to figur eout a way to stealth up a 80m antler sometime. Maybe next

73 de KB9BVN

"root" wrote in message
. ..
Just curious -- are you using ladder line with that???


Brian - KB9BVN wrote:
In my attic I have a dipole cut to the middle of the 40m band. I use a

Tec antenna tuner with it and I can tune it for 15, 20, 30, and 40m with
some success.

The last 8 feet of wire on each end actuallly bends 90 degrees because

space wasn't long enough to lay the thing out in a straight line.

I have used this antenna and earned QRP WAS in 1999, 2000, 2002, and I

8 more for 2004. My best DX was Reunion Island on 30m about 2 years

ago, I
was using a Ten Tec Scout at 4w of output.

I crammed this antenna up in the peak of my roof, and I'd guess it's

28 feet off the ground, maybe a little less.

My advice would be to try it. You can always yank it down if it doesn't
work for you. Avoid any metal you can up there.


"Jack Twilley" wrote in message

Hash: SHA1

My new location has a short narrow attic with a traditional shape --
gentle pitch from a raised ridge which crosses the house along the
long axis, like a triangular prism. I have a fan dipole from my last
location that I'd like to try to reuse. Will I be able to get away
with putting the longest legs of the dipole along the center line,
parallel to the ground, and then putting the shorter legs (what was
once an inverted vee) angling towards the corners of the roof?

center line
| 40mL |
| 20mL * |
| * | 10mL |
| \ | * |
| \ | / |
| \|/ |
| * |
| /|\ |
| / | \ |
| * | \ |
| 10mR | * |
| * 20mR |
| 40mR |

I know "everything works", but this is likely to be the only antenna I
can get up in time for the California QSO Party in a couple of weeks,
so I'm hoping that it'll be "good enough".

Thanks in advance for thoughts and suggestions.

- --
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
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