An interesting idea developed by RFA: 56
"Can you acknowledge receipt?"
"I am acknowledging receipt."
The Q-code was developed and instituted in 1912 in order to facilitate
communication between maritime radio operators of different nationalities.
It is for this reason that the Q-prefix has been excluded from call-signs.
Shortwave Radio Listening Hobbits or DXers direct their "QSL" request (Can
you verify transmission?) to radio stations around the world that they
happened to have monitored. "D" in DX is for distance and the "X" refers to
the unknown. DXers are hobbyists who enjoy DXing or trying to pick up radio
stations from a distance.
These reception reports are valuable to radio stations in that they assist
in evaluating transmission signal strength and quality. Radio Stations
usually reply by mailing a "QSL Card". The QSL Card acknowledges the receipt
of the report and confirms the details of the transmission.
To make the best of changing propagation conditions Radio Free Asia rotates
frequencies during different seasons to maintain the best possible coverage.
As a shortwave broadcaster Reception Reports are an important factor to
Radio Free Asia in the determining the best frequencies to use to reach our
target audience.
Radio Free Asia (RFA) welcomes all reception reports not only from DXers but
as well as from its' listening audience. This page represents the efforts of
radio Free Asia's Technical Operations Division to automate and streamline
the QSL process.
How the RFA's Automated Reception Report Works:
Two Easy Steps to Submit Reception Report:
Listeners click on the "Submit a Reception Report" button below.
A Form Page will be displayed. The page contains instructions and
explanations as needed. Simply fill out the information fields on the form
and submit.
Two Ways to Submit Your Reception Report:
Anonymously- Reception Reports can be submitted anonymously where you do not
have to identify yourself. No information will be harvested from your
computer and you will not be requested to submit any personal data.
Attributed- Register your mailing information in the database and you will
receive a QSL Card in our next regular mailing. All information submitted to
RFA will be held confidential as outlined in this site's Privacy Policy
located at the bottom of this page.
(More on the web site)