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Old September 23rd 04, 06:37 PM
Posts: n/a

You emphasise that "it is not a trap", a trap being a loop circuit that
provides a desired low impedance path and a blocking high impedance for
another band. You go on to say that the circuit you refer to allows all of
the antenna to be used for both bands! Thus the L/C loop
must provide a low impedance path on BOTH bands according to your statement
which is certainly different to a "trap".
From your statements I thus see your
L/C cuircuit as a "loop" which can be
placed at an apropriate point in a radiating element.
Les Moxon refers to a similar antenna in his book where the loop is placed
in the center of a dipole and which he calls a resonator having a capacitor
and inherrent inductance.
It was Moxons antenna ,which is what I refer to as a combination loop
/dipole antenna, that illustrates the use of an L/C circuit in antennas and
what I used as a basis for my 160M antenna which worked quite well. Thus it
was your own comments that instigated the original question.
Hopefully when you read this your mind will not be in a befuddled state
created by claret and before you waddle of to the local pub so that you can
respond without sarcasm
Best Regards

"aunwin" wrote -
Can this be conscrewed as a combination loop/.dipole?


Aunwin, it would be impolite of me not to reply to your direct question.

for ages, on and off, I have tried at regretably increasing intervals,
entirely unsuccessfully, to understand what your combination loop/dipole

all about.

So although YOU may somehow manage to construe some sort of relationship
between a loop/dipole, whatever it is, and a lumped LC circuit inserted in

random length antenna wire, I'm afraid I'm in great difficulty.

In view of the amount of work involved, and the likelihood of it being
fruitless, I propose for the time being to leave the matter in my pending
tray and pour myself a glass of Bordeaux Claret. If unfamiliar with the
beautiful deep red liquid you may like to try a glass yourself. It does

I'm very sorry that at present I'm unable to be of more assistance in your
quest for recognition.
Yours, Reg, G4FGQ.