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Old September 1st 04, 04:49 AM
m II
Posts: n/a

T. Early wrote:

So, Tad..when did you first accept corruption, kickbacks and deep


immorality as being an integral part of the Bush government?

I just lay back and enjoy the fact that it's still a step up from the
previous administration. Sort of evolutionary, ya know.

A step up? No..a step *into* perhaps. Tha last administration was
corrupt enough, though. I especially loved the Whitewater fiasco. They
should have been jailed on that one. Let's not forget all those pardons
he sold in his last days in the Oral office.

All in all, though, nothing those two criminals did compares to the
magnitude of the Cheney/Bush and neo*con* debacle. At the very least,
the Clintons didn't start a war for Israel/Halliburton. The blackmail
attempt failed and the sweater MAY have been taken to the drycleaners.

Or is there a special place in the Library of 'Congress' for those kind
of things? Ha! Kinda redefines 'dewey' decimal system, wot?
