Incredible conditions to South Asia
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September 4th 04, 03:51 PM
Michael Bryant
Posts: n/a
From: Dan Robinson
For those who were listening, there were just amazing conditions Friday
night EST to South Asia,
as well as extreme southern Latin America. Sri Lanka booming in on
11.905, India on 10330
and 11620 well into Friday evening, and numerous South Asian and likely
some Southeast
Asian frequencies on 60 meters. I haven't heard an opening like that
in decades....
Yep, I heard Sri Lanka on 11905 and India on 10330 on my Degen 1103 with just
the built-in antenna rod. Tremendous conditions....
Michael Bryant, WA4009SWL
Louisville, KY
R75, S800, RX320, SW77, ICF2010K,
DX398, 7600G, 6800W, RF2200, 7600A,
Degen 1102, Degen 1103, GE SRll,
Pro-2006, Pro-2010, Pro-76
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