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Old September 26th 04, 10:24 PM
John Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Coiled coax balun

Hi again!

Has anyone tried making the coiled coax balun work at UHF? Specifically, on
the 70 cm band.

In "Antennas for All Applications", they say the coil should be resonant at
the frequency of operation. The ARRL book(s) do not cover this band. Using
RG58 and a GDO, I've learned that one cannot leave long leads on one's coax
coil as it will lower the resonant frequency drastically. Apparently, the
long leads in conjunction with the coil forms an antenna/inductor/capacitor

It appears to be difficult to obtain the required resonance repeatably. Or,
am I missing something (as usual)?

The diameter seems to be somewhat critical. Does the diameter need to be
much, much smaller than a quarter wave? What diamter would be a maximum?

Thanks for any help.

John (KD5YI)