Thread: no Saddams
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Old August 21st 03, 12:19 PM
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On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 23:18:38 -0700, Mark Keith wrote:

oSaddam (Yuri Blanarovich) wrote in message ...
BTW, looks like my message to prevent spam in my return address works two ways:
one it reduced automated spam, two - there are two "noSaddams" dead as a door
nail. Another egg in the face of the bitching DummycRATS! I hope they soon
get/confirm the Big Papa Sodumb deadsky soon too.

Dunno, I think they still need to give Bin Doo-Doo a touch up. He
seems to still be slithering around somewhere. I consider him the
worst of the lot, considering his recent actions, and everyone seems
to have forgotten about his slimy carcass. Something occurred to me
recently. Bin Doo-Doo probably thought when he did the 9-11 thing that
we would all wilt over, whine and moan for a while, and all would
continue to be biz as usual in his part of the world. Probably
considered Sodamn Insane one of his close partners in crime. Probably
thought they would be out water skiiing about this time, celebrating
their crushing defeat of the dreaded yankee redneck infidel *******s.
But now his group is half toast after being given a healthy round of
air to ground enemas, and same for ole Sodamn. His days are numbered.
Bin Doo-Doo brought the wrath of Bush on the whole group of terrorist
deathmonglers and dicktaters. I bet Sodamn curses Bin Doo-Doo's name
when he hovers in his fortified double wide to attempt fitfull sleep
at night. Who wants to be next? Come on boys, lets spin the wheel and
get this show on the road before we are all broke. Making all those
high $$$$ missiles will boost the economy in certain parts of the
country. MK

1. There are no connections between S. Hussein & Al-Quada - they hate each

2. There are connections between Saudi Arabia & Al-Q, when will the
attacks against them start?

3. have any high-ranking Al-Q 'officials' been killed/captured yet?

4. S. Hussein has not been responsible for any terrorist attacks, even
though he was a murderous dictator who (with his son)used weapons of mass destruction (bought form
the west) against his own people.

problems tend to get harder to deal with when you combine them.

Paul M