In article
Telamon wrote:
In article
Telamon wrote:
In article
Telamon wrote:
In article MR81d.97014$jZ5.94850@clgrps13,
m II wrote:
Honus wrote:
I'm picking it up pretty good here in Seattle at 0340.
They're giving ID's left and right, but I can't find anything
in my Passport about them. There isn't much on the web; I
wonder if I'm spelling it properly? Does anyone know anything
about them? It sounds like a news program, BTW. I'm unsure
about the language, although it sure sounds like Russian.
03:51 GMT
I'm getting the Slavic sounding voice, but there's a pretty bad
'overlay' of what sounds like Eastern (oriental) music of
unknown origin. It makes it hard to decipher any IDs
How about this from the EBI list:
R is for Russian
11725 0300-0500 USA Radio Liberty R CIS /MRC
That's EIBI
And this from the radio free Europe site
Russian Service
03:00-05:00 11725 SW MoTuWeThFr
03:00-05:00 11725 SW Sa Su
Well, they switched off at 05:00 UTC so I "presume" I'm right. I don't
know Russian so the only other thing I could have done is check a
parallel frequency.
Ventura, California