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Old September 13th 04, 07:55 AM
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General Say's '60 Minutes' Mislead Him and Documents are Fake [.]

As Reported by the Washington Post

"Major General Bobby Hodges

One of the main sources for the 60 Minutes report was Major
General Bobby W. Hodges, Lt. Col. Killian's superior. According
to the Washington Post, a senior CBS official called Hodges CBS's
"trump card."

However, according to a September 12 Washington Post story, Hodges
said he was "misled" by CBS and now believes the documents are
forgeries. "Now that I have had a chance to see them, I think
they are fake," Hodges told the Post.

Not surprisingly, Dan Rather didn't mention his trump card in his
report. However, Hodges is mentioned indirectly; he is one of the
"solid sources" upon which Rather relied for the original 60 Minutes

SOURCE= http://www.intellectualconservative....ticle3784.html

+ New Doubt Cast on Guard Documents
Military Official now says CBS Records are Fake
- by Michael Rezendes and Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff
- John 'ff' Kerry's home town newspaper the Boston Globe
- (The Boston Globe is 'owned-by' the New York Times)
- 12 SEPT 2004

* Bush Papers Phony, says National Guard Official who had worked with
- by Ralph Blumenthal and Jim Rutenberg, New York Times
- September 12, 2004
- Minneapolis Star Tribune

+ More Doubt Cast on Memos used in '60 Minutes' Report
- by Ralph Blumenthal, Jim Rutenberg, New York Times
- SF Chronical

So What's the Frequency {Now} Dan ?

Just the Facts ~ RHF
= = = m II wrote in message
= = = news:FtI0d.96261$S55.42256@clgrps12...
Dan wrote:

CBS news is a bad joke. This whole story reeks of Dan Rather's
personal attempt to smear Bush.


