Help:Best vertical for low bands ? advice
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September 28th 04, 08:09 AM
Mark Keith
Posts: n/a
ospam (Fjx1) wrote in message ...
Of the factory made verticals for 40 and 80 ( I know none are great) which is
best/ Hustler, cushcraft, hy gain, mfj, gap, butternut? If it put a signal out
on 160 that would be a bonus. Can't run sloper here so need one of these ground
mounted wtith radials. Tks.
Of the ones I know about, I think the butternut HF2V is the best. And
they do make an add on kit for 160. The HF2V is a 40/80 vertical , and
is a full 1/4 wave on 40m. I think they also make a 30m kit if I
remember right...Also they have a top loading kit for the lower bands.
But you could do just as well with a 32 ft wire hung from a tree, and
a tapped coil at the base...For much less $$$$ too....The HF2V will
smoke the HF9V "the all band version" on the lower bands. MK
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