Thread: Antenna Advice
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Old September 16th 04, 02:56 PM
Posts: n/a


Since you have the JRC NRD 545, the RF Systems MTA would
be my choice of the two listed.

RF Systems MTA Antenna @ $200
- Non-Amplified Vertical Receiving Antenna covering
500 kHz to 30 MHz.
- Designed for listeners who wish to monitor longwave,
medium wave and shortwave.
- MTA uses passive magnetic transfer technology to deliver
a good signal with low noise and complete immunity to
receiver overload from nearby transmitters.
- The MTA (Magnetic Transfer Antenna) receiving antenna
is a Seven Foot (7 Ft) antenna which is broadband in
performance, yet does not require an antenna tuner.

RF Systems DX-10 Professional Antenna @ $300
An Omni-Directional Active vertical receiving antenna
covering 35 kHz to 35 MHz. The DX-10 is 'only' 52 inches
(130 cm) high.

NOTE: With any of these antennas you are better off
getting the 'base' of the Antenna up high above your
Roof by at least 3-5 Feet. Or having the Antenna moved
completely away from the House by about 15 feet or more.

TIP: Consider using a single piece of Top Rail as an
Antenna Support for the RF Systems MTA Antenna. Put a
Ground Rod in the ground near the base of the Top Rail
and use a Ground Strap to connect the two together.
Mount the MTA at/near the top of the Top Rail.
* TOP RAIL as a "Free Standing" Antenna Support
* TOP RAIL - As an Antenna Support Structure
- Building Material

Also take a look at the Wellbrook ALA-1530 Active Loop
Antenna for Long Wave, Medium Wve and Shortwave radio
* This unique broadband magnetic antenna is only 1m
diameter, rotatable and provides deep nulls to reject
noise and interference.
* The Active Loop Antenna is a compact antenna primarily
designed to reduce local interference. It is suited to
users with restricted real estate, by providing comparable
performance to conventional wire antennas.
* The Active Loop solves the problem of having to tune
the loop by using a broadband amplifier.
* The loop can be mounted remotely from the receiver
away from local interference, whereas traditional antennas
require a lot of space and can pick-up local noise.
* Wellbrook Loop Antenna - Information


1. Buy a Sony AN-1 Active Antenna @ $100
Do not use stock Whip Antenna that comes with the AN-1.

2. Build a Ten Foot (10 Ft) Tri-Band "BroomStick" Antenna
without the Top-Hat feature.

3. Mount the Head-Unit of the Sony AN-1 at/near the top
of the a piece of Top Rail.

4. Mount the BroomStick Antenna at/near the top of the
a piece of Top Rail; opposite the Sony AN-1.

5. Connect the bottom wire (Output) of the BroomStick
Antenna to the Antenna (Input) Stud using Flat Washers
and a Nut. Tape and seal this connection.

6. Install a Ground Rod as described above.

7. Connect the Sony AN-1 to your radio.
REMEMBER: "The AM/MW and Shortwave Antenna is 55.5% . . .
of the Radio/Receiver and Antenna/Ground Reception Equation"
A Shortwave Antenna is "Equally" Important for Good Reception [.]
iane ~ RHF
Some Say: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever.
I BELIEVE: On A Clear Night . . .
You Can Hear Forever and Beyond - The Beyond !
= = = Chris wrote in message
= = = . ..

Hi All,

I have a JRC NRD 545 and im about to move house and im going to be
some what limited as to what antenna's i can put up at the new

I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the following
antennna's and if anyone could help me decide what would be the best 1
to match with the 545.

I mainly listen to stuff between 3MHz & 21MHz.

RF Systems MTA Antenna
Antenna 1:

RF Systems DX-10 Professional Antenna
Antenna 2:

Any help/advice appreciated.


