Thread: SWBC and BPL
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Old September 16th 04, 04:32 PM
Frank Dresser
Posts: n/a

"the captain" wrote in message
I have seen tons of stuff on ham bands and hams and BPL. the biggest
thing is about ham band notch filters for BPL

Have you seen anything about BPL actually delevering on it's promise? In
Manassas, it's only been able to serve a small percentage of it's projected
market. The city and the BPL provider have parted ways.

BPL has failed in the Penn Yann and Cedar Rapids tests.

I know there are still a few active BPL test sites out there, but the longer
BPL goes without being able to deliver reliable high speed access to a large
group of people, the less likely it will succeed.

Are you really confident that BPL can reliably provide broadband access to a
large group of people over a long period of time?

but where does that leave SWBC, is the hobby dead or can we sue for
interference ?

Since you don't offer the choice "BPL will never be widely deployed", we
have to choose between -- dead hobby or sue.

So let's sue! Sue 'em for everything they've got!! Yeah, a big BPL vendor
like Ambient must be rolling in the dough, now that BPL nirvana is he

Or maybe there ain't much to sue.

Frank Dresser