Thread: Cecil's Math
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Old July 10th 03, 04:49 PM
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Richard Harrison wrote:

Cecil, W5DXP wrote:
"50W will be reflected from the load and flow unopposed back to the
circulator load resistor. There is no face-off. Unless there is an
impedance discontinuity, forward waves have no effect on reflected

A 291.5-ohm load on a 50-ohm Zo produces a reflection coefficient of
0.707, and the rest follows suit.

Yes, but there is no face off between forward waves and reflected
waves. Reflected waves flow unopposed back to the circulator load
resistor where they are dissipated. Forward waves can affect
reflected waves only at an impedance discontinuity where reflections
and re-reflections can occur. Reflected waves can indeed flow "back
up the fire hose" unopposed by the forward waves.
73, Cecil

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