Thread: Antenna Advice
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Old September 16th 04, 05:47 PM
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 06:46:22 GMT, Chris wrote:

Hi All,

I have a JRC NRD 545 and im about to move house and im going to be
some what limited as to what antenna's i can put up at the new

I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the following
antennna's and if anyone could help me decide what would be the best 1
to match with the 545.

I mainly listen to stuff between 3MHz & 21MHz.

Antenna 1:
Antenna 2:

Any help/advice appreciated.



Unless you have more money than common sense I wouldn't recommend
either antenna. If you can get 30 - 60 feet of wire in the clear you
are better off, even that length tacked along the fascia board would
be better - and a very small fraction of the price of the RF systems