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Old September 16th 04, 11:05 PM
Posts: n/a

recently sold a sony SW portable via EBAY. The radio was shipped in good
condition. Immediastely on receipt by buyer- i received email stating I had
"lied" ie--the radio was DOA/and had evidence the hold in cabinet screws had
been losened and marred. He thyen called me and left an answering machine
message threatening" action" to wreck my ebay account!--the--he posted negative
feedback....all this done without even trying to negotiate with me (I offered
tips to ensure he had installed batteries properly etc--he replied stating he
was a "ham operator"-and-"dont insult my intelligence".

Sent him more emails offering to send him another identical radio or refund his

what would you do--buyer wanst refund and ill be left with a broken radio in

i suspect buyer broke radio-or-it suffered shipment damage (buyer denied both,
of course).

I note buyer hasd only 1 ebay transaction on his "feedback" column (positive as
a seller) (I have 60 + since 1/04).

this has the feel of a scam to me--buy stuff, claim it's broken asnd force the
seller to refund the money??

need suggestions as to further actions.
