"Radio Man" wrote
I would love to own one of the receivers mentioned.
My one gripe would be the eventuality of a needed
repair which would be prohibitively costly.
Good point, and contractors such as Harris normally charge about $140/hr
labor. The good side is, there is almost nothing in a DoD-market radio that
has a troubleshoot and replace time of more than one hour! Cost of parts is
another matter altogether, but unless the radio is more than 20 years old,
they would typically still be a good investment.
For Ron H, it was only about a month ago that the exact same thread was run
on this group. Suggest you search archives for the comments you requested.
"RonH" wrote
Can anyone point me to an internet where I can find reviews of the
Harris RF receivers; side by side comparisons with other top notch
and measured performance figures. AM band performance is one of my
Comments from Harris users are also of interest.