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Old September 21st 04, 05:56 AM
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Default Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

Oh so true. I will be happy to cast my vote in opposition to Kerry no


who the other candidate is. Although in this case the opposition is my

president. George W. Bush. Want you stand with me and help us defeat John

Kerry. Get this message to all your family, and friends and to those that

you work with.

Have a great day,

Kenneth W. Williams Sr.

John Forbes Kerry

I honestly do not believe that a combat proven Vietnam veteran really



read this but I do believe that members of his family, his extended


and closest friends should. THIS article is the closest they will ever come

to "understanding". You have probably read a bunch of them, but this is an

excellent article about how John Kerry tried to disgrace his fellow Vietnam

Vets, and how this will come back to bite him as he tries to portray


as a hero.



Intelligence Department

Headquarters Marine Corps


Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

By Barbara Stock

September 1, 2004

Over 30 years ago they put away their medals and their uniforms. They


their anger and bitterness and moved on with their lives--and they waited.

Revisionists are trying to change history, claiming the returning Viet Nam

veterans didn't suffer all that much when they returned home. All that


of being labeled animals has been exaggerated over the years. But the

veterans know better. They were there.

On the radio last week, one man related that he had unpacked the

uniform that he wore home from Viet Nam all those years ago. It had not

seen the light of day for over 30 years. He showed it to his children

and grandchildren and, for the first time, spoke of the day that he

returned home from war and was spat on, cursed at, and literally had to

run a gauntlet of protesters who threw human waste and rotten fruit on

him and his fellow vets. With the words "baby killers" ringing in his

ears he was warned

by laughing policemen not to retaliate or he would be arrested. So he ran.

The able-bodied helped the wounded as they do on any battlefield

because those on crutches or in wheelchairs were not spared the

profanity and bags full of feces that were thrown at them by the raging

anti-war protesters. This now middle-aged vet went on to tell his

family that he had hid in the bathroom at the airport for over two

hours, bewildered and afraid. He wondered if he had landed in some

foreign land where Americans were hated. Finally, he cleaned up the

uniform he was still proud to wear as best he could and made his way to

his plane, where he suffered more insults from the passengers. When he

got home, he packed up his medals and his dirty uniform,

just as it was, and he knew that one day, he would take it out again and he

would have his say. That day has come.

One POW stated that he had never put a face to the name until he heard

the words "Genghis Khan" pronounced only as John Kerry does and

suffered his first flashback to the time he was being tormented by

Kerry's words in a North Vietnamese prison camp. They buried their

anger and the bitterness --and they waited. Most of them didn't know

who or what would be the signal to make their move, but they knew they

would recognize it when it


On July 29, 2004, it happened. John Forbes Kerry came to the podium at

the Democratic Convention and uttered three words that made many Viet

Nam vets skin crawl: "Reporting for Duty!" At last the time had come

for these long-suffering veterans. The past was staring back at these

wrongly disgraced vets from their television sets. The face it bore was

that of John Kerry, the man who had shredded their honor without a

thought and climbed over the bodies of their fallen friends to launch a

political career. Kerry had stripped them of their dignity the day he

sat before Congress in his fatigues and portrayed them as "baby

killers" and "murderers." Kerry did the

unspeakable. He had publicly turned on his fellow vets while they were


in harm's way and American prisoners were still in the hands of the enemy.

Kerry accused them all of being out-of-control animals, killing,



pillaging Viet Nam at will. The anti-war movement--the protesters--had


hero and he was a Viet Nam War veteran, an officer, a medal winner, a

wounded warrior: John Forbes Kerry.

Many Viet Nam vets buried the memories of their less-than-welcome

homecoming, and John Kerry moved off the national scene. The feelings

of betrayal had faded, but they were never resolved. The unprecedented

injustice inflicted on the Viet Nam vets has always lain just under the

surface, waiting for a chance to be uncovered. The war had stolen their

youth and innocence and John Kerry stole their dignity and rightful

place of honor in history. Like an unlaced boil, the anger festered

but there was nothing that could ease the pain. These vets didn't ask

for "forgiveness" because they had done nothing wrong in serving their

country. They never asked to be treated as heroes, just good soldiers.

All they have ever wanted

was the respect due all the men and women who have worn the uniform of this


Being allowed to march in a few parades wasn't enough. A long over-due

memorial was not enough. The Viet Nam Veterans moveable wall only

brought back the suffering as they searched for the names of their

fallen friends whose memory had been defiled and disgraced by people

who considered them rampaging killers instead of men who died with

honor for their country.

Now before them stands this man who would be president--this man who

holds his service in Viet Nam up as a badge of honor now that it suits

his purposes. This man Kerry brags about his medals and his tiny wounds

and demands the respect they were denied, yet he offers no apologies

for what he did to them. "I will be a great leader!" Kerry proclaims,

because of his brief and self-proclaimed valiant service while wearing

a uniform....the very same uniform that they wore and were spat upon

because of it.

All across America, soiled uniforms and memories of being shamed and

humiliated have resurfaced and Vietnam vets demand their rightful place

in history. John Kerry seems bewildered by the reaction of his "fellow

vets." He has become defensive and angry because now his service and

honor are being questioned. Kerry seems oblivious to the pain he caused

three decades ago when he stole all honor and dignity from those same

"fellow vets" for personal gain. Now he wants to use them again, for

the same reason.

All across America, Viet Nam vets are smiling. At last, perhaps they

can bury their demons. These angry vets are demanding that this man who

sentenced them to being shunned as criminals, tell the world that he

was wrong and that he is sorry for what he did to them. Kerry must

admit that he lied about them.

For many, it would still not be enough. Satisfaction and hopefully

peace will come when Viet Nam vets see and hear John F. Kerry give his

concession speech the night of November 2, 2004 with the knowledge that

it was their votes that helped defeat him. There are approximately 2.5

million Viet Nam veterans in America and they have not forgotten. Kerry

denied them their rightful place as heroes and they will deny him his

dream of the presidency. Angry Viet Nam veterans, silent for so long,

will finally have their say. Payment in full will be delivered to John

Kerry on November 2, 2004.

Revenge is indeed a dish best served cold.


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Vote Republican
Phu Bai/Hue, Da Nang