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Old September 21st 04, 09:10 AM
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 20:11:24 -0400, Tony Meloche

aristotle wrote:

What is the difference between shortwave dxing and swling.

One opinion? There is one, three, five international (or domestic) SW
broadcasts you listen to regularly. That's all you care to do with the
SW receiver. It is, to you, a radio that tunes different frequencies
from your AM/FM set, but you use it about the saem way. That's SW

Or, you like to experiment with antenna configurations, you keep close
logs of what you've found on the air, you are always trying to find and
ID some signal you haven't logged before, (and the further from you the
transmitter is, or the lower that transmitter's output power, the more
you prize that ID) and you probably stay up too late at night, or get up
at ungodly hours of the morning to "see what you can find". That's


" ... and the further from you the transmitter is ...."

This is the only part oif your description that involves DX.
All the rest may be said of any otherwise enthusiastic SWLer.