(OT) Google Groups 2 (BETA) = Yahoo Groups {eGroups} ?
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September 21st 04, 10:03 AM
Joel Rubin
Posts: n/a
On 20 Sep 2004 07:19:08 -0700,
(RHF) wrote:
(OT) Google Groups 2 (BETA) = Yahoo Groups {eGroups} ?
Is Google trying to transform the "Usenet" [NewsGroups] into
a YAHOO eGroup type of OnLine "Members Only" Assembly ?
New! Preview the next version of Google Groups
There has been some grumbling in netcop groups that you can no longer
see the NNTP Posting Host when someone posts in Dejagoo 2. (Google
groups took over "" so dejagoo.)
Of course, if you want you can disguise your IP in Google Groups or
webmail by using a web proxy.
Also, according to the consensus of people who have control of news
servers (and usenet involves co-operative transmission of articles so
they control usenet) make money fast postings (chain letters) are
considered to be spam and for a while Google was responding to MMF
complaints that they don't control content, only number of newsgroups.
(the trouble with money chain letters, besides that they are a scam,
is that they can, in theory, begin to grow exponentially and fill up
(Of course, posting an MMF through Google probably violates their
local state law against advertising pyramid schemes IIRC section 327
of the California Penal Code entitled "endless chains".)
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