"-=jd=-" wrote:
Then, you've confirmed what I said -
that (snip)
No, I haven't confirmed a thing you've said. Instead, I said there were
proper procedures in place to be followed in the granting of awards and it
appears those procedures were indeed properly followed. The Inspector
General, Admiral Route, did more than just check over the paperwork. He also
verified the "officers who awarded the medals were the properly delegated
authority to do so." So, unless there is clear evidence of a problem
elsewhere (not just random quotes taken out of context from random sources),
that should effectively end the debate.
(snip) The question still remains, did
Kerry himself write the paperwork up
and either have someone sign-off on
his verbiage -or- did kerry himself
sign as someone else? (snip)
Well, it's bloody obvious nothing will convince you. So, since I have no
desire to engage in talk about mystic conspiracies or wild speculation about
outright fraud, I'll move on to more reasonable discussions.