"Tempest" wrote in message

Hi, I'm wanting to get into SW listening but I'm torn between those
models and I'm not 100% sure what characteristics are the
relevant of each.
Which radio would be best for a noob getting into SW anew?
If not those, what other radio and why? I only have about
bucks to spend.
Do you have access on your newsreader to rec.radio. shortwave posts
over even the last 10 days or so? There's been considerable
discussion of both of these radios--and comparative discussion--that's
kind of hard to summarize, but would probably answer your questions.
My oversimplified version of the consensus would be that both are
worthy, and that the Icom may be better for "digging out" harder to
receive stations, while the Grundig (larger and heavier) is a good
"program listener's" radio with some DX capabilities.