"-=jd=-" wrote:
(snip) After all, you still believe (or you've
fooled yourself into believing) that the CBS
docs are authentic. (snip)
(snip) Your mind is made up, just like your
mind is made up that the CBS docs are
And why would anyone believe anything you have to say when you so
blantently lie about my earlier comments? Contrary to your claims above,
here is what I actually said in this newsgroup just ten days ago...
"Look, I don't know if the documents
are fake or not. However, the arguments
used so far to suggest they are fake (line
wrap, character spacing, and a few
superscript characters) are far less than
convincing. With only a photocopy
available, chemical analysis of the paper
would probably be useless. And the
person who sent photocopies of military
documents to the press is not likely to
come forward now to point to the original
documents. So, at this point, the
authenticity of the documents may simply
remain an open question." - 9/13/04
Enough said.