Thread: Steve La Behave
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Old September 22nd 04, 06:39 PM
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Michael Bryant wrote:

Steve Lare,

Stop calling my place of work. I have spoken with my Dean, who verified your
recent attempts to have me fired.

LOL, I mentioned nothing to the Dean about having you fired. I merely was making
an inquiry about you being a Department Chair. So, either your Dean is lying, or
you are. Care to have him call me and accuse me of speaking to him about having
you fired? Or should I forward this post and inquire of him if he thought I was
trying to get your sorry fat ass fired?

My policy is going to remain one of ignoring you. You will remain in my
filters. But, why would you leave your name and number? You don't seem very
bright, Steve.

I left my number with an individual so that the Dean could call me. What would
be unusual about that. I don't do things surreptitiously as you might.

Grow up, stop this nonsense. You're over 50. Why do you choose to act like a

What is childlike about verifying the facts? I did verify that you lied about
having a PhD did I not? I did verify that you lied about being fired from
Louisville Technical Institute did I not? You did call me personally and tell me
you'd been fired, did you not?

You're a frickin 'tard.


Michael Bryant

Michael Bryant, WA4009SWL
Louisville, KY
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