Thread: 18nH Inductor
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Old October 1st 04, 10:17 PM
Posts: n/a

"Reg Edwards" wrote in message
An 18 nano-henry inductor seems, to me, to be an impractical inductor
The length of the connecting wires will form an appreciable part of the
inductance. There must be another way of acheiving the desired circuit

However, to find the length, diameter and number of turns to make such a
small coil you can use program SOLNOID3 which can be downloaded in a few
seconds, free of charge, and run immediately from the the website below.
Try it and see what happens.
.................................................. .........
Regards from Reg, G4FGQ
For Free Radio Design Software go to
.................................................. .........

A 1/2 turn loop of the proper dimensions might be more practical. I recall
using one that was about .5 in high between .5 centers, made of #14 wire.
(it carried 10 amps). Don't remember the exact value, but it was probably a
little more than what he is looking for.

At any rate, as you say, it is important to add the inductance of the
circuit board traces to the inductor value. BTW, the last job I was on used
402 SM inductors down to about 10 nH, but that was at 2+ GHz.
