"Bob WE1U" wrote in message
I am looking for oldtime SHORTWAVE radio programs... I cut my teeth on
SWL during the propaganda heyday of the late 70s and early 80s.. I
miss Radio Moscow, and some of the other stations missing from today's
airwaves.. anybody have any ideas where to look for gems from the 60s,
70s, and 80s?? I have DSL, so bandwidth is not a problem, and am
pretty newsgroup fluent.. anybody have a juicy web site they can hare
with me? Also, and suggestions of stations I might enjoy from before
my time would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks , Good DXing, and VY 73 de Bob WE1U
I know what you mean. I really miss the entertainment value of the classic
Soviet cold war era shortwave programming. After I got my first shortwave
radio as a Christmas gift back in 1978 when I was 12 y/o, one of the first
things I found was Radio Moscow. I remember that I found it to be
enormously entertaining. For heavy propaganda, there is still Cuba, North
Korea and Iran to listen to. Though, I haven't heard Iran in English in
some time. Still... no way do they come close to Radio Moscow as it was in
its former grandeur and glory. For supreme entertainment value, these days
the domestic "kooks" are the way to go.