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Old October 2nd 04, 05:53 PM
Jack Painter
Posts: n/a

"Eric Snyder" wrote

I can not recommend Ground Strap to ground the tower. Strapping makes
an excellent wick for rain water and will soon corrode. It is much
better to use a heavy copper wire. If you must use ground strap, be
sure to paint a heavy rubberized coating on all surfaces of the ground

Eric N7DLV

Very good Eric. The other problem with "strap" (and we assume Bill Ogden
meant braid) is that braid is is a poor DC ground, and not even close to the
best choice for RF ground or bonding connector for lightning protection.
Braid is only specified for grounding of vibrating machinery and other
flexible requirements. Avoid any kind of braid for radio or bonding uses if
possible, especially if it is not tinned.

SS washers between copper and galvanized tower will not isolate the
connection at all. Acid rain will wash the copper oxides all over the tower
studs as if it were connected directly.

Obtaining the best tower and coax shield grounding possible is important not
only for lightning protection, but for protection from static charges which
all towers and antennas are susceptable to. The RF grounds and radials etc
must be an integral part of any lightning protection scheme. The only
reminder is to avoid allowing a downconductor from rooftop air terminals,
masts or tower from bonding to an RF radial component *until* the
downconductor first connects to a deep ground rod.


sideband wrote in message

. com...
Bill Ogden wrote:

I have a TX455 tower that I am beginning to ground and I could use

collective experience of the group. This is a 55-foot tower in a

not especially prone to lightning. I am trying to be reasonable

going overboard on grounding.

1. Where might I obtain the 1-inch nuts for the standard UST concrete

And stainless steel washers to match? My local Home-Depot type places

to stop at the 3/4-inch sizes.

Try a Semi truck repair facility. Lugs on most large trucks range from
1" to 33mm. Washers should be available too, though Stainless might be
a stretch.

2. There is no clearcut way to connect ground straps/wires to the

tower. I
have ground posts about 30 inches from each of the three concrete

holding the tower base. It seems reasonable to run a strap from a

post to the 1-inch concrete bolts holding the tower base bracket.

There is
enough thread exposed above these to hold two (thin) SS washers and

1-inch nut. This appears to be a convenient way to make the

connection. I
assume the SS washers would be needed to fight corrosion from the

wire/strap to the zinc-dipped tower base.

3. I want radials for the tower (for a quarter-wave sloper). Would it

reasonable to connect multiple radials to each of three ground posts

then depend on the single wire/strap from the ground posts the three

holding the tower base? This is for 160/80/40/30 meter operation.

