Tropical Band Loggings for Sept. 23: Indonesia & Japan
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September 25th 04, 07:58 AM
Posts: n/a
John Plimmer wrote:
Nice catch there Steve - it amazes me how you QSL them with local stamps and
in the local language - who gives you that stuff?
I used to get stamps from either DX Stamp Service
6137 Patriot Drive, Apt. 13
Ontario, NY 14519
USA or
The later has/had prepared cards as I recall in various languages.
Reception reports were written using Gerry Dexters Language Lab, Indonesian
I haven't been into sending the stamps over the past number of years as they are
fairly expensive, and putting a $1 in the envelope seems to work just as well.
But I suppose with some countries the mint stamp route would be better.
I had forgtten also that I have the low band Aussies QSL'd as well. Memories!
The only thing I get low down the band occasionally is 2310 Khz ABC
"Territory R." Alice Springs.
Last catch I got on a DXpedition that far down was:
Frequency Time Date Mode Language Station Town Country Power QTH
3,395.00 2311 01/03/13 AM VV RRI TANJUNG KARANG INDONESIA 10 ARN1
John Plimmer, Montagu, Western Cape Province, South Africa
South 33 d 47 m 540 s, East 20 d 07 m 541 s.
RX Drake R8B, SW8
BW XCR 30, Braun T1000, Sangean 818 & 803A.
Hallicrafters SX-100, Eddystone 940
GE circa 50's radiogram
Antenna's RF Systems DX 1 Pro, Datong AD-270
Kiwa MW Loop
"dxAce" wrote in message
dxAce wrote:
John Plimmer wrote:
re 2960 IND - Its very hard to get anything down so low on the band.
It's over 8,000 miles from you and only 300 watt power - very nice
I'm a great believer in the advantages of equinox grayline DXing
Yep, that usually does the trick. I've got a bunch of Indo's QSL'd up in
the 90
meter band, but nothing below there.
I guess my best SW DX that low would be La Voix du Zaire on 2703 back in
1990. That
would be Katanga on the NASWA List.
Another DX season is dawning though, so who knows.
John Plimmer, Montagu, Western Cape Province, South Africa
South 33 d 47 m 540 s, East 20 d 07 m 541 s.
RX Drake R8B, SW8
BW XCR 30, Braun T1000, Sangean 818 & 803A.
Hallicrafters SX-100, Eddystone 940
GE circa 50's radiogram
Antenna's RF Systems DX 1 Pro, Datong AD-270
Kiwa MW Loop
"4nradio" wrote in message
INDONESIA 2960, 1354-1405, RPDT2 Manggarai Sep 23 Probable. Two
women in
discussion or interview at 1354; heard one of the women exclaim
way it is! Talk to me, baby!' in English, and then return to
talk. Light folk music from 1358 to 1404, then talk by woman
weak of a signal for ID. Poor level, with occasional peaks to fair.
NW Beverage. (Atkins-WA)
JAPAN 3970 USB, 1413-1421, NHK Unid. Outlet Sep 23 Two men in
Japanese to instrumental music 1418; mentions of 'NHK' 1421. Fair to
signal with some ham radio QRM. Most likely the 600 watt Sapporo
rather than the further south and weaker Nabeta transmitter.
NOT SHORTWAVE, BUT...this week has been another interesting one for
trans-Pacific MW DX during the fall equinox period. Japanese and
stations continue to be audible on my NW antenna in the few minutes
local dawn (1355 UTC). On Tuesday, JOAK Tokyo on 594 and JOUB Akita
the strongest, while JOQR Tokyo on 1134 has consistently put in the
high band signal.
Guy Atkins
Puyallup, WA USA
Modified RA6790GM & R75
Kiwa MAP / ERGO / DSP-59+
450 & 700 ft. Beverage Antennas
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