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Old September 26th 04, 08:49 PM
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Mike Terry wrote:

Published on September 24, 2004 at 12:43 PM BG

This is Radio Bulgaria`s weekly DX Program for radio amateurs and
short wave fans. It is included in our one-hour broadcasts starting
as follows: Friday at 2100 UTC on 5800 and 7500 kHz beamed to West
Europe, at 2300 UTC and Saturday at 0200 UTC on 9700 and 11700 kHz to
North America, as well as in the half-hour broadcasts on Sunday at
0630 UTC on 11600 and 13600 kHz and at 1130 UTC on 11700 and 15700
kHz to West Europe.

[amateur items omitted]

Broadcast tips.

Italy - ``Italian Radio Relay Service`` is a radio station selling
radio time to various organizations ranging from Uno to Free Radios.
During the new season which starts on October 31, IRRS will broadcast
as follows: every day from 2000 to 2130, and on Friday till 2200 UTC
on 5775 kHz; Friday only from 1100 to 1200 UTC on 15665 kHz; on
weekends from 0800 to 1300 UTC on 13840 kHz. The QSL address is:
IRRS, C.P. 10980, Milan 20110, Italy.

Radio ``RAI International`` broadcasts in English from 0055 to 0115
UTC on 11800 kHz; from 0445 to 0500 UTC on 6110, 7235 and 9875 kHz;
from 1935 to 1955 UTC on 5970 and 9605 kHz; from 2025 to 2045 UTC on
6185 and 11880 kHz, and from 2205 to 2230 UTC on 11895 kHz. The QSL
address is: RAI Inter-national, C.P. 320, Rome 00100, Italy.

Mongolia - ``Voice of Mongolia`` broadcasts in Mongolian, Chinese,
Japanese, Russian and English: from 1000 to 1030 UTC on 12085 kHz;
from 1500 to 1530 and from 2000 to 2030 UTC on 12015 kHz. On the
latter frequency you can hear it in Russian from 1330 UTC. The QSL
address is: Voice of Mongolia, C.P.O. 365, Ulaanbaator 13, Mongolia.

Russia - The legendary among DXers DX Editor of Voice of Russia Pavel
Mikhailov has resigned from his program ``DX Club`` for health
reasons and is now succeeded by Vadim Alexeev.

USA - Radio Miami International, WRMI, has been reported recently on
the new frequency of 6870 kHz instead of 7385 kHz. The new frequency
is used from 0000 to 0900 UTC and the DX Programs broadcast a ``DX
Party Line`` of Radio HCJB, Ecuador on Sunday at 0300 UTC, ``World of
Radio`` on Monday at 0230 UTC, followed by ``Wavescan`` of Adventist
World Radio at 0300 UTC. The QSL address is: WRMI, P.O.Box526852,
Miami, FL 33152, USA.

Thank you for being with us. Your reports will be confirmed with the
QSL card of Radio Bulgaria. Please address your letters to English
Section, Radio Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria or by e-mail to English @ So, 73 and DX!

DX Editor: Dimiter Petrov, LZ1AF

Broadcast tips: Pavel Yordanov


So, why didn't you give John Norfolk credit for posting it to the dxld yahoo
