Tonya schrieb:
Hi I just got my YB-P 2000
Totally unrelated question, but why that one? It's generally not
considered an outstanding performer, or to be more precise, it's a
rather simple single conversion rig. If money were an object, I'd rather
get a Kaito KA1101, or a Degen DE1102 directly from China. Both options
would be even less expensive than the P2000/G2000A (at least judging
from its Universal Radio price tag), yet give much better performance.
For some schedules, try the "EiBi Skeds":
Meine Andere Seite:
PC#6: i440BX, 1xP3-500E, 512 MiB, 18+80 GB, R9k AGP 64 MiB, 110W
This is a SCSI-inside, Legacy-plus, TCPA-free computer