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Old September 29th 04, 04:23 AM
John Plimmer
Posts: n/a

Hi Mark,
Tks 4 that = very interesting.
most of the flights are between 2100 & 0500 UTC when the big birds fly North
to Europe and then the returning ones coming down to Joburg.
South of the Zambezi all flights are on VHF, so you will mostly hear the
flights wkg Kinshasa/Lusaka/Brazzaville on 8903 during the above times.
(Botswana/Zimbabwe/South Africa are all VHF net only)
8879 & 5634 Mauritius/Seychelles/Antananarivo is very active around sunset
sunrise 1500 & 0300 UTC

Whilst Joburg is all on VHF, they do work "Joburg Oceanic" on 8861 & 5565,
but this is only for the few infrequent flights Joburg/Perth and
Joburg/Brazil. Sometimes you can hear Luanda wkg flights on the West
(Atlantic) side as well on 8861.

"Springbok Joburg" main frequency is 8933 when the a/c report in every half
hour. N/S flights on the hour and E/W flights on the half hour.
John Plimmer, Montagu, Western Cape Province, South Africa
South 33 d 47 m 540 s, East 20 d 07 m 541 s.
RX Drake R8B, SW8
BW XCR 30, Braun T1000, Sangean 818 & 803A.
Hallicrafters SX-100, Eddystone 940
GE circa 50's radiogram
Antenna's RF Systems DX 1 Pro, Datong AD-270
Kiwa MW Loop

"Mark" wrote in message
Hi John,

I am a pilot too, and yes, 5643 kHz is definitely still active. Also 3467

(local) nightime. In the day, there's 8867 primary, 13261 secondary. Also
17904 kHz is used. These are all MWARA-South Pacific frequencies and all

very loud at my location (especially 8867 and 5643).

(unfortunately 8867 has been blocked by a powerful TX for years and you can
hear nothing underneath it)

You can also try for 8846 which is the Pacific Islands RDARA frequency.

can hear all kinds of interesting island locations on this one, from

(Kiribati), Faleolo etc. and Nadi, Fiji.

Have tried that freq many times but never heard anything

Alternately, can you tell me what MWARA/RDARA frequencies are heavily used
in your area? I'd like to give it a try and listen to Southern Africa. I

currently hear Northern Africa (MWARA-AFI1, Tripoli (Libya), Khartoum
(Sudan), Cairo (Egypt)) but I haven't ever tried southern Africa.

How about 5565, 6559, 8826, 8861, 13315, 17955, 21926 kHz? Which ones of
these are most active? Are there others you know about? (I have all the
Springbok LDOC frequencies).

(see above comments)


"John Plimmer" wrote in message
I wonder if you can help me with this one?
I used to listen to Nandi aeradio (Fiji) on 5643 Khz USB regularly every
evening in the solar high of 1989/90.
But in recent years, I hear nothing on that frequency, although pilots

me it is still the main operating channel at 1500 UTC which is my sunset

when I would usually hear it.

Can you copy activity on that frequency from New Zealand?
I would be very interested to know.

John Plimmer, Montagu, Western Cape Province, South Africa
South 33 d 47 m 540 s, East 20 d 07 m 541 s.
RX Drake R8B, SW8
BW XCR 30, Braun T1000, Sangean 818 & 803A.
Hallicrafters SX-100, Eddystone 940
GE circa 50's radiogram
Antenna's RF Systems DX 1 Pro, Datong AD-270
Kiwa MW Loop