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Old September 29th 04, 09:52 PM
Stephen M.H. Lawrence
Posts: n/a

"Mike Terry" wrote in message
| Jeff White reports on behalf of the National Association of Shortwave
| Broadcasters (NASB): "I just got a call from Evelyn Marcy, Dan Elyea's
| secretary at WYFR in Okeechobee. She said that Dan wanted me to let the
| Board know that there has been extensive damage at the transmitter site
| Hurricane Jeanne. All power is out. Power poles are broken in half across
| Route 98, reducing it to one lane. When Hurricane Frances hit three weeks
| ago, part of the roof of the transmitter building was torn off, and this
| time even more was torn off. They have not been able to do an assessment
| damage to the transmitters and antenna field yet, but the towers are still
| standing. (They have 14 transmitters at this site.) There are rumours that
| it will take at least three weeks to restore power in the area, so WYFR is
| probably going to be off the air for some time. I will let you know if I
| any updates."
| (Source: Jeff White, NASB, Sept 27, via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

What does your post have to do with politics?

Please take your off - topic posts elsewhere.

(ALERT: The previous post was a tonue - in - cheek
offering, and this is your humor alert)


Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota

(NOTE: My email address has only one "dot."
You'll have to edit out the one between the "7"
and the "3" in my email address if you wish to
reply via email)

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