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Old September 30th 04, 01:28 PM
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Default Already 4 years !


To celebrate the 4th birthday of my site, I propose you a riddle : who am I
Four years ago was born a multidisciplinary French-speaking educational web
site which dared to approach very original topics like the theory of
relativity, quantum physics or the philosophy of sciences. In complement the
autor being impassioned for astronomy, meteorologist, photographer and
computist, he reserved a large part of his site to astrophysics,
bioastronomy and amateur astrophotography, and did recently a digression to
meteorology and ecology.
Eclectic in his opinions, prolific and verbose, wanting to touch even more
readers, he opened new English pages devoted to amateur astronomy
(astronomical optics, image processing, technical comments, software
review), radioastronomy and amateur radio, as many activities that he
practices with assiduity. But where does he find all this time wondered
readers ?...
Today this site acquired its maturity and does propose you not less than
1200 educational pages, more than 7000 images and hundreds of animations and
audio files. It even includes a translation module. It becames a reference
as testify his guest book. Childs 12 years old connect to it as well as
professors at university. One connects to it from all over the world, and to
be accurate from 155 different countries. 40% of readers are
English-speaking whose 12% come from the USA (6% from VE., 3% from the UK.,
1% from NL, 1% from VK) ! To wonder what magnetism comes out from this site
But you will judge by yourself. Have you recognized it ?

Indeed, it's LUXORION, already 4 years ; -)
Partner of the French site Futura-Sciences,

Thierry, ON4SKY