juny wrote:
On Sat, 02 Oct 2004 06:37:55 -0400, "Mark S. Holden"
juny wrote:
I believe that it has been proven that an unusual high number of
eye-blinks, made by a person while speaking, indicate that the person
doing the blinking is lying.
Whether it is true in this case, look at the clips of the debate and
judge for yourself.
In the clips used in the DNC "Faces of Frustration" video, the person
who is talking is Senator Kerry.
I'm not sure what inferences you can draw about the President blinking
while listening to his opponent.
I did NOT say that the President blinked while listening to his
opponent, I said " I believe that it has been proven that an unusual
high number of eye-blinks, made by a person WHILE SPEAKING, indicate
that the person doing the blinking (while speaking) is lying".
Your post implied the President was blinking while speaking.
I pointed out he was listening.
So your observation about blinking while speaking wouldn't apply to the
President in the clips.