Antenna & Tower package
I have an antenna and tower package on e-bay. It is a Universal 40-foot
aluminum tilt-over tower (rated at 15 sq ft at 80 mph), including the
rotator shelf. The antenna is a Cubex 2-element 5-band quad, with the a new
set of wire elements still in the shipping box. Separate feeds are used for
each band (20, 17, 15, 12, 10 meters) and an Ameritron 5-way remote coax
switch is included. The rotator is a Yaesu G450A. Cables for the coax switch
and rotator are included and are about 125 feet long.
Everything is included except the concrete stubs for the tower and a coax
All are in excellent condition. Pick up only. Poughkeepsie, NY area.
Anyone is welcome to inspect the set. Everything is on the ground (or in the
There are many "watchers" for the auction in e-bay, all waiting for someone
else to make an initial bid. I hope the package goes for about $1300.
Search for "tower" and "quad".
The quad is a great antenna. I went from 100 to about 275 confirmed in two
years of casual operation. I am not quite as young as I was a few years ago
and the handling of the quad (which is a large three dimensional structure)
on a tower (which I no longer want to climb) is best left to someone a
little more agile.