Sony portable typically have this switch (either hardware or software). You
can select 9kHz or 10 kHz steps for MW.
Australia, NZ and the Pacific mostly have 9 kHz. Australia used to be 10
kHz, but everything got changed to 9 kHz. I remember all the AM MW stations
all having to change their frequencies (well, maybe not all, if they were
lucky enough to already be on a multiple of 9 kHz!). I think this was back
in the late 1970's.
"Keyboard In The Wilderness" wrote in message
9 kHz channel spacing is used in some areas --- Europe/Africa/Asia as I
My neighbor had a radio they brought from Guam as I recall -- and they
couldn't get it to work right when they brought it to the states -- on
back was a 9 kHz -- 10 kHz switch -- set it to 10kHz and all was well.
Keyboard to you
"Radioman390" wrote in message
But wait!
Aren't all FCC licensed AM stations spaced 10 kHz?
610, 620, 630, etc.
But why did the FCC license KTWG for 801?